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Tips and Tricks

Delete automatically generated pages

Excel - Excel formulas

It is possible to work with formulas in Excel.


Klick -> Grossformat grosses Bild

In the marked field is the formula =G11.

It's possible to profit from Excel's full functionality

Special Zulu tags

The ZuluXXX tags don't originate from the Excel sheet. They are added by the assembler.

Template Content
<!--Zulu:Tag:ZuluVersion--> v0.81
<!--Zulu:Tag:ZuluProductName--> Zulu Website-Assembler v0.81
<!--Zulu:Tag:ZuluExcelName--> zulu_content.xls
<!--Zulu:Tag:ZuluExcelPath--> C:\Data\Zulu\Versuche\zulu_2002-05-11a_v0.8.9\www\zulu_templates
<!--Zulu:Tag:ZuluTemplateName--> zulu_template_simple_zulu.html
<!--Zulu:Tag:ZuluTemplatePath--> C:\Data\Zulu\Versuche\zulu_2002-05-11a_v0.8.9\www\zulu_templates
<!--Zulu:Tag:ZuluAssembledDateTime--> 2002-05-11 12:38:40.
The time when Zulu assembled this page.
<!--Zulu:Tag:InputLastModifiedDate--> 2002-05-11.
The date when the input-file was last modified.
<!--Zulu:Tag:InputLastModifiedDateTime--> 2002-05-11 12:38:40.
The time when the input-file was last modified.