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Building a website based on templates is a common concept of server-based web applications (JSP, ASP). Zulu introduces a new feature which allows using templates when processing static HTML pages. We have not found any tool or concept which provides this capability. Zulu's main idea is the separation of layout, structure and content of a website. By processing them the Zulu web generator creates static websites which can be sent to the web server.
The current Zulu web generator implementation consists of an Excel/OpenOffice table and some Python code. The layout and structure of the website is adjusted by editing the Excel table. Upon pressing a button the web pages are generated.
Zulu comes with a collection of sample-templates. A template defines the layout and look of the website and the navigation within it. Chose from one of these templates or create your own one.
Many websites have a navigation concept. Zulu supports you with the creation and maintenance of such websites. The following paragraph gives a comparison between Zulu and conventional procedures.
On each HTML-page there is a navigation area with links to other pages within the website. These links are adjusted manually. This approach has the following disadvantages:
A website-navigation may be created using program code which can be read by a web browser. This can be accomplished by an applet, JavaScript or an ActiveX. Their disadvantage is their interpretation which can be different or event inexistent depending on the browser used.
A CMS is a program, which is installed on the web server. The websites are generated dynamically. Consequently their layout, navigation area and content are reconstructed upon each access. Online newspaper typically use a CMS since their content changes daily. This concept requires software to be installed on the web server which is a disadvantage and expensive. Such systems may become very complex too.
Zulu combines the best ideas in a new kind of way: A template defines the look of the website, an Excel sheet is used to maintain the structure of the website and the content of each single page is saved in a simple HTML-file.